Aztlan Astrological Center

Directed by León Azulay















Virgo Symbol SYMBOL The Virgin
td> ELEMENTEarth
Earth Element
Ruling Planet: Mercury RULING PLANET Mercury
House: Sixth HOUSE Sixth
Opposite Sign: Pisces OPPOSITE Pisces

Virgo, like every earth sign, is interested in practical matters of existence. If there's something that bothers them, it's wasting time or feeling that their efforts are not yielding results. Putting life in order to make it work well is imperative for Virgo, as it is the neatest sign in astrology. This sign tries to analyze things that can go wrong, sometimes long before the real crisis emerges. In this sense, details take on great importance, trying not to leave things to chance, allowing them to plan and, above all, foresee the results. This makes them highly valued in activities and situations that require their mental acuteness. The challenge will be not to be overwhelmed by trivial matters, in other words, learning not to worry about unimportant or at least secondary things (if this happens, they get stuck and lose energy). Virgo's task is to discriminate between knowing what requires attention versus what can be set aside for the moment.

The symbol of Virgo is often misunderstood. The virgin does not represent sexual chastity but is a symbol. Like all symbols, it needs to be interpreted not literally. In reality, Virgo values purity. What is meant by purity? The pure: uncontaminated, healthy. Two topics of interest for this sign. The uncontaminated, understood as something free of errors, imperfections, something that, even if not perfect, is perfectible. The healthy aspect brings to light their interest in caring for the body, which can lead some to engage in activities related to physical health (medicine, nursing, pharmacy, etc.) or the pursuit of mental health (psychologists, psychoeducators, educators). On the other hand, activities where order and organization are important, such as writing or intellectual activities, will be areas where they can excel. One thing is clear: they are usually responsible individuals in their work and activities.

In affection, Virgo will not easily be carried away by the outbursts of passion found, for example, in some fire or water signs. They will demonstrate their affection in a less dramatic but undoubtedly very efficient way, as Virgo is the sign linked to service. Being helpful to others, attending to them, or assisting them will be some of the ways they show interest and affection for others. The danger lies in wanting to control everything with the mind, passing feelings through the filter of reason, which in some cases will cool emotional reactions, and in others, it will simply generate a certain degree of repression of real affective needs. To balance their mistrust of everything that does not seem "logical," life must teach them to give more space to feelings and, above all, to avoid skepticism about the so-called "non-rational," such as the spiritual, intuitive, or emotional world.

If there's one thing Virgo can teach others, it's not to waste time or resources and to show the importance of making efforts fruitful.

The ruling planet associated with Virgo is Mercury. Mercury is related to intellectual activity and thought, faculties very present in this sign. The constant incentive for Virgo will be the search to learn knowledge that helps the world "work better," making them highly valued in their environment.

Famous Virgos (or with planets located in the sign of Virgo):

Julio Cortázar Julio Cortázar, writer: Sun
Jorge Luis Borges Jorge Luis Borges, writer: Sun
Fernando de la Rúa Fernando de la Rúa, politician: Sun, Neptune, and Mercury
Woody Allen Woody Allen, filmmaker: Ascendant, Neptune

© 2024 Civil Association Aztlan, Cultural Center of Psychology, Philosophy, and Humanities. All rights reserved. Buenos Aires, Argentina.