What are Transits?

An astrologer can study a person's natal chart, their qualities, their potential achievements in different areas, or their negative tendencies. It's clear that the Natal Chart represents our psychic structure, and it doesn't change. But why do we have the ability to change throughout our lives? Why do we experience marked periods of growth and others of frustrations and difficulties? What determines these cycles in our lives?
Astrology, through serious study, can assist a person over time with various forecasting and prediction methods such as progressions, directions, solar revolutions (annual chart) and lunar revolutions (monthly chart).
The simplest system is that of the Transits of planets over the natal chart itself. The natal chart is actually a still photo of the sky at the exact moment and place of birth. The planets continue their journey; this is called "transit". A Transit is the movement of a planet through the zodiac day by day, week by week, year by year. Each planet, in its course, passes through different signs, forming aspects with natal planets or other significant points in the natal chart, or simply transiting through an empty house or sector of our chart.
The duration of their passage through each house depends on the planet in question, as each has its pace and speed, taking a certain amount of time. For example, some planets take longer than others in their journey; Pluto may spend 20 years in the same sign. The Moon, on the other hand, will only be in each zodiac sign for about 2 days and a few hours. If, for example, I am going to have a transit of Pluto or Neptune for 3 years, it would be good to know, anticipate, prepare, and take advantage of the opportunity to make necessary changes. This attitude will be much more positive than resisting, denying, getting anxious, or frustrated in the face of projects that do not bear fruit simply because it is not the right time to put my energies into that. But I can certainly channel my energies into many other things where I can develop and grow in a different way.
This is where the vital importance of knowing the transits of planets over my natal chart lies. The most important transits are those of the slower planets, as they have more lasting effects: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter. If you want to know your transits for this year, that is, your cycles of change and growth, request your natal chart and your Personal Interview.