Why Study Astrology?
15 REASONS to Study Astrology

Astrology, through the Natal Chart, reveals tendencies and patterns of personality in a clear and precise way. It allows us to observe ourselves and others from a holistic perspective, with greater detachment and objectivity.

Learning Astrology shows me that everything is subject to a cyclical rhythm. Just as in nature there is an established periodicity through the succession of seasons, day and night, lunar cycles, bird migrations, etc. In our lives, there are also Periods or cycles with marked tendencies: Cycles of Expansion, Contraction, Activity, and Passivity. Knowing these cycles will allow me to understand which stage or learning phase I am in, how long this cycle will last, and even more, how to extract the best from that experience.

Studying Astrology helps me reconcile with my experiences: Past, Present, and Future. It is much easier to remain in the present with a patient and creative acceptance of the here and now, with the knowledge that the phase will come to an end and is part of a larger process.

Astrology indicates what needs to be worked on, the essential meaning of an experience or particular phase of life, the inner patterns to adapt to, and an exact way to regulate and promote crucial life changes.

Studying the relationship between humans and the rest of the Universe provides a vision of humans as an integral part of a larger organism, expanding the meaning of our existence.

Giving meaning to situations in our lives is not of minor importance. Swiss Psychologist Carl G. Jung, who was also an astrologer, said: "Man is ready to face any situation, even the most adverse, as long as he understands the meaning of what is happening to him."

Astrology contextualizes the human being and allows us to observe the Universe in all its creative potential. As advanced scientific discoveries in Quantum Physics have already affirmed, the Universe is not a mechanical entity devoid of life and moved only by blind forces, which would make it nothing more than a machine. Instead, the Cosmos is overflowing with energy, moving forces, and its functioning is much more akin to that of a great intelligent Organism than that of an automaton.

Astrology allows individuals to choose the type of activity where their vital energies flow with greater ease and satisfaction.

Through Astrology, you will be able to answer questions such as: What is my true Vocation? What do I need to feel content and satisfied with myself? What am I looking for when forming a relationship?

Knowing the Natal Chart can help us gain more confidence in ourselves, confirming intuitions, feelings, or thoughts that we may have feared expressing or postponed for one reason or another.

Rather than the often-voiced criticism of Astrology, which claims that one becomes weaker by depending on forces outside the self, the proper use of Astrology can help develop more inner strength and confidence. Often, a person feels they have special abilities in a certain area, profession, etc., but due to a lack of inner security and determination to fulfill their deepest longings, they end up frustrating their desire, leaving it repressed and at the mercy of external factors, which ultimately prevail.

Astrology is a language of energy. It is proven from various fields of science that the influences exerted by Planets on us, our climate, and the movement of tides are more than compelling.

The Moon, Earth's satellite, regulates the movement of the rise and falls of tides. Just as it influences the sea, it also influences the fluids in our bodies (the average adult is made up of 65% water).

The great cultures and civilizations we know today had their astrological systems and maintained a feeleing of unity with the cosmic environment. Among them are the Mayans, Assyrians-Chaldeans; Egyptians; Hindus; Greeks; etc.

Famous Astronomer Johannes Kepler tells us that he strongly wished not to believe in the efficacy of Astrology, but after studying it, he wrote: "The infallible concurrence of stellar configurations and sublunary events made me reverse my position." Other famous astrologers and scientists include: Francis Bacon, Tycho Brache, Giordano Bruno, Edmond Halley (discoverer of Halley's Comet), and Isaac Newton. In the field of Psychology: Carl Gustav Jung. Other famous figures who have publicly endorsed astrology and its study include: Benjamin Franklin, Xul Solar (visual artist and astrologer), and Julio Cortázar (writer and astrology enthusiast), among others.